People Of Performance Art #14: Matt Smith

I saw Matt Smith’s piece “Splintered” which he created with Meg Ullah. It impressed me with it’s simplicity and power. It’s mixture of the personal and impersonal and tempting failure. So I knew he would be a good subject for PoPA.

I returned a couple of days later. It had all disappeared, but you could tell where the flour had been, as there were patches, covered in snail trails.

Portrait of performance artist Matt Smith in Leicestershire woods

performance artist Matt Smith positioning bricks covered in flour in Leicester

wide angle shot of performance artist Matt Smith positioning bricks covered in flour

Matt Smith making a pattern with the bricks and flour

flour imprints and bricks

A long line of flour imprints left by absent bricks

Array of bricks being covered in flour by Matt Smith

wide angle shot of flour imprints

Close shot of Matt Smith covering a brick with flour

A strange pattern of flour imprints

Matt Smith stands before an array of flour imprints

Matt Smith covers bricks in flour in Leicestershire woods

Wide shot of Matt Smith covering bricks in flour in woods

Matt Smith with a row of bricks covered in flour in the woods

Matt Smith balances bricks covered in flour on a branch

A stream of flour falls as Matt Smith covers bricks in flour balanced on a branch

Matt Smith throws flour at a branch placed against a tree

Matt Smith leaves a flour imprint from a large branch

Matt Smith leans a branch white with flour against a tree

Matt Smith works on the artwork in the distance of the woods

Matt Smith pours flour on a pile of bricks in the woods

Matt Smith carries a large branch amid the flour artwork

Matt Smith pauses while making art, with a bright tree lined backdrop

Matt Smith throws flour at a construction of branches

Matt Smith walks away from the artwork

Wide shot of the artwork in the woods