This series of photographs is part of a personal photography project, where I take a dancer to an interesting location, and let the dancer react to the environment. This has allowed me to widen my artistic network further, and build an interesting portfolio for both myself and the dancer.
I photographed dancer Aimee Lily Williamson at various locations in Clitheroe, Lancashire. We had fun exploring Clitheroe Castle, Whalley Abbey in the snowy weather, and warmed up in Holmesmill. Here she introduces herself:
I’m Aimee and I’m a freelance dancer based in Lancashire. I love learning, music and drinking tea. I trained at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance and since then have had a grand old time taking my dancing down different paths. I have worked with a ballet company, a circus company, a contemporary company, with dabbles of folk dancing, Zumba teaching, flash mobbing and clog dancing thrown in too. I am currently working with AbouTime Dance Company that create work from local heritage, and Androna Dance Theatre, that I’d say are quite feminist and politically driven. When alone in the dance studio I’d be found improvising to Icelandic indie rock. I’d also probably be in Ravenclaw.

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