Hello, my name is David Wilson Clarke. I’m a freelance portrait and creative art photographer. I specialise in dance, performance art, aerialists, art installations and theatre, with which I collaborate, document and provide promotional material for.
I’m based in the East Midlands triangle, living in a small spot between Leicester, Derby and Nottingham. I’m usually found zooming around all sorts of locations in the UK, and, in fact, the world. No environment or subject is too strange… That being said, my studio based in Leicester has seen, and continues to experience, the traditional to the unusual.
Photography was a dormant passion that came to fruition after 30 years of engineering. Both interests play a part in what I do and I’ve found they compliment each other pretty well, especially since I became a founding member of Leicester Lo-Fi. We’re a wonderful community darkroom in the heart of Leicester where I help provide workshops and advice alongside the other tutors.
Here’s 10 facts about me:
1) In a past life, I was a band photographer.
2) I can’t do without books.
3) My first photographic subjects were mushrooms.
4) I teach bell ringing.
5) I write software and build industrial computers.
6) Do you know how many David Clarkes there are in the world? A lot, that’s how many. Consequently I use my middle name.
7) I once stole David Attenborough’s biscuits.
8) I speak Spanish, badly, but only in the present tense.
9) I can build you a working camera in 20 mins.
10) I’ve climbed the highest mountain in Europe.

If you want to see my photographic journey, from awkward beginnings to current work, have a look at my Flickr feed:
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidwilsonclarke/
Some of my clients:
2 Magpies Theatre, ArcTanGent Festival, Atelier Nora Draper, Attenborough Arts Centre, Bottle Rocket Comedy, Dance 4, Dirtmarket Dance, Enter Edem, Firebug Bar, Fox & Co., Great Central Magazine, Handmade Festival, Handmade Theatre, Leicester Comedy Festival, Leicester Museums, Leicester University, Metro Boulot Dodo, Nottingham Playhouse, Remedy Health Media, Spilt Milk Dance, Tetrad, Tin Can People, Derby Quad and Yellow Bean Studios.