A Hell Of A Good Time

Grace Petrie wrote a song about Richard Feynman’s letter to his dead wife, Arline. Lucy Peel was so taken by it, that she made a video for it.

Here’s the video: A Hell Of A Good Time

And some BTS photos I took:

img_c4_32108-ed1-smLucy Peel directing, Peter Banks & Keith Allott filming, Richard Strong script watching

img_c4_32246-ed1-smPeter Banks – Camera, Ketna Butrón – Make Up Artist

img_c4_32217-ed1-smKeith Allott filming blood in the hanky, with Becca Bryers as Arline Greenbaum and Kenton Hall as the young Richard Feynman

img_c4_32173-ed1-smBarbara Treen as Gweneth Howarth and Rob Coleman as old Richard Feynman


The cycling and hat throwing scene.

img_c4_32293-ed1-smThe lecture scene

img_c4_32257-ed1-smA paper plane being directed